Voyage Photo - Hints for submitting pics

If you have any voyage photos it'd be great if you could share them with the other voyage members here.

All photos
The maximum width of pictures displayed on the site is 500 pixels and the maximum height is 375 pixels. However, do send in pictures at as high a resolution as possible as I may increase the resolution and it means I can send your pictures to other voyage crew at a high resolution too.

If possible, please send photos on CD - either CD-ROM (mac or PC) or PhotoCD. Failing that, you can email them to me (although emailing at high resolution will not be easy).

If you don't have my postal assress, just email me and I'll let you know where to send them.

If you're pictures are from a digital camera, please send me the pictures as downloaded from your camera as then the date the picture was taken on is saved with the photo data and having the date helps get things organised. If you have software which you can use to title the photos without changing their filenames, then please use this to give all your photos a meaningful caption. If you don't have such software, then just give the photo a filename which is the caption you want to appear on the site.

If you've used a film camera, then either get a photo CD made when you have the film developed or scan in the photos you want to send me. Please supply captions for all your pictures, either by renaming the filenames or by sending me a list of filenames and the captions you want. If yopu know the date the pictures were taken on, then please let me know this too.

Hope this makes sense - if not, jkust drop me a line (

Thanks :)