The tale began when flight BA2233 touched down in Hamilton Bermuda with most of the 40 strong crew on board.

Impromptu tours

Stavros docked in the Naval Dockyard, Bermuda
Stavros S Niarchos docked at the Royal Naval Dockyard

Rumours were rife on the plane that our voyage was to start with a change of plan. No longer were we to have a quick 10 minute cab ride to join the ship at St George's Harbour. Instead we were to get an impromtu tour of this exceptionally well manicured island before we could board. The ship had been moved to the furtheset place from the airport it could possibly be whilst still being on the island; over an hours drive away at the Royal Naval Dockyard.

Seamen suprise

The crew soon realized the benefits of our new berth, notably
  1. The Frog and Onion
  2. The Pirates Landing and, perhaps most importantly
  3. two naval frigates full of upstanding seamen intent on finding a party - perhaps this one was just for the girls... maybe.
Tinned seamen

All these combined for an enjoyable last night in Bermuda - otherwise known as Sarah's Birthday bash aka Night of the Pirates Punch aka Captain Liam's tips for jiving. The Navy crews were firmly put in their place when a few of them attempted to coax Jo the mighty blue watch leader to either give
them a ship tour or at least donate her knickers as bounty and testimony to show their shipmates. We hope the crew of RFA Sir Bedivere were suitably impressed with the lipstick politely offered and smeared on a face instead.... it's not what you think! Various crew members had to miss some of the fun to provide harbor watch on the boat - returning revelers provided them with alternative entertainment.

And we're off

Goodbye to the dockyard

Even those nursing sore heads were more than happy to take part in the exit from the Docklands harbor. Our departure was only slightly delayed by the fact that Sharon our erstwhile medic was the first casualty of the voyage, having had a bad reaction to her herbal sea-sickness remedy. On her return the bridge crew were pressed and polished - in their nautical best and ready to go.

Manning the yards

Trainees donned their newly acquired Stavros S Niarchos t-shirts and made their way up the foremast yards to wave goodbye and provide the Bridge with an 18 bum salute - they looked like they'd all seen it before. The sky was blue and cloudless and the horizons unmarred by any cruise ships - a nice change! Even the island ferry kept out of the way as we headed for open sea - and our destination some 2000 nautical miles away. Just time to sound a ship's blast and give 3 cheers to the RFA Sir Bedivere thanking them for services rendered

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