The joys of Happy Hour in the green mile

By now most of the crew members have settled into 4 hour watches/bleary-eyed breakfasts/cleaning of the green mile and other Happy Hour delights! And contemplated just how far up the rigging their courage and willpower will take them!

Deep sea adventures

Powered by low octane and just a few puffs of breeze we're making steady headway; 080 bound with just a brief respite today when the captain allowed an impromptu stop and an Atlantic dip for the adventurous and warm blooded some 240 miles from the nearest land.

Don't leave us here!!
Gaskets - pah!

Truly versed are we, the "crew elite" in many skills needed to deliver us safely across the azure seas - such as just how many sheets of 4x2 one needs to perfect the up, down and polish technique. And doing so we hope to ensure trouble free toileting throughout the trip East.

We've already amazed the Bridge Party with our first attempt at sail setting: Pioneering White watch's "leave the gasket tied and pull on the sheet anyway" technique. Guto redeemed both himself and his watch however, by harnessing his (almost certainly sheep powered) strength and coming to fellow crew member Amy's aid in the tying of the lower fore topsail gasket hitch. What a star! Ken, white watch leader was relieved and the watch's integrity and standing was restored.

We've stunned the permanent crew with our devotion to cleaning and enterprising, speedy new techniques - methods such as 'mammary polishing' of the bridge walkways certainly left the captain with a bemused but resigned 'I've seen it all before' look on his face.

News from the green mile

Who wears Teletubby PJ's? Who else slept in the Harry Potter sleeping bag? Ladies look after your undies, two strange men will want them.... as murder weapons. Would the captain call his mother, she wants to check if he has been using his own smalls.

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