Dr F's Cambridge Dance Music Info
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Intro This Week Upcoming Regular DJs Venues Links Photos
What's It All About Then?

Greetings! These pages are dedicated to providing information relating to all types of electronic music in the Cambridge area. There're details of Upcoming Events, Regular Nights, the DJs involved and the Venues. Needless to say there're bits 'n' bobs of other stuff, links and photos. Hopefully this'll turn into a useful resource enabling me to put something back into this particular subculture that has been an important part of my life for many years now. I'll be playing no favourites as far as music styles go on these pages, as long as I can get my hands on relevant details.
If anyone out there has any information they feel should be included, send an email. I'd also like to know whether people are finding this useful, or am I talking into a great big void?


New stuff!
21/05/05: A friend of mine has had some rather distinctive speakers (British racing green finish) & sound equipment stolen from his car. Images are here. If anyone sees them/has them offered/has any info please give John an email. There's a reward available.
Trivia: What was I listening to while updating?
Confusion is Sex by Sonic Youth

Anything on this week?
Date Event Genre DJs/Artists Venue Cost & time
Sat 04/06 Strawberry Fair$ Midsummer Common Free, of course! All donations/volunteers accepted mind$
Sat 04/06 Journeys Strawberry Fair Special Hardhouse/trance ENM vs LeeC (pulse, Kent), Makka vs Magroo, L'll Barn The Man on the Moon £4. 7pm start

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These pages are copyright ©1999-2005 C. Coward and were last modified on 21/05/2005